Saturday, April 30, 2005
my medical advisor is a nascar driver!
i'm sitting here watching a soccer game (dc united vs kansas city wizards). before the game a commercial caught my attention because dale earnheardt jr was in it, and whenever junior is on tv, i'm interested. well it was a winFuel commercial and at the end he says 'i use it and so should you'. i thought to myself: 'fuck yeah, why shouldn't i use it too? i could be just like junior'. but i'm thinking even further. why can't junior be my personal doctor advising me on all kinds of medications and such things? so d.e.j. if you are reading this, give me a call, i need some advise on what kind of hangover blocker pills i should take, maybe some diet pills (i'm slowly turning into a pototo), or even something kinda the opposite of rogaine, i want my hair (at least on my back) to go away. Dale: what should i take???
Friday, April 29, 2005
Top five signs Dan Schwartz is leaving us:
5) Big argument at Odney over who has to wear the purple cape at the next beer-thirty.
4) Big argument at iNet over who gets to wear the purple cape at the next beer-thirty.
3) That new firewall Rob installed yesterday is equipped with our exclusive patented "Schwartz-Out v1.0" that sets off a loud alarm if Dan tries to get into our servers and a louder one if he tries to get into the fridge.
2) All programming now being done by Barth. In a freak DNS accident, all iNet-hosted URLs suddenly redirected to Rush Limbaugh's site.
1) Have to totally recalculate the odds in the "most likely to pass out under Wendy's desk at the Christmas party" pool.
this came from the friday five at work today!
4) Big argument at iNet over who gets to wear the purple cape at the next beer-thirty.
3) That new firewall Rob installed yesterday is equipped with our exclusive patented "Schwartz-Out v1.0" that sets off a loud alarm if Dan tries to get into our servers and a louder one if he tries to get into the fridge.
2) All programming now being done by Barth. In a freak DNS accident, all iNet-hosted URLs suddenly redirected to Rush Limbaugh's site.
1) Have to totally recalculate the odds in the "most likely to pass out under Wendy's desk at the Christmas party" pool.
this came from the friday five at work today!
the cool shit you can do with flickr
check this out, mouse over the image and then mouse over the boxes that appear!
Thursday, April 28, 2005
world of warcraft
i now have been playing WoW for most of the nite since i got home from work, with a break for er of course! i think this game would be twice as nice if you were playing with me! the game kinda reminds me of neverwinter nights, except it seems that WoW is a MUCH larger area to explore and there are LOTS of other people running around in the world with you. sometimes you almost have to team up to finish a quest. a quest may me something like to go field X and kill 10 zealots. so you go to field X and there are many other players there trying to kill 10 zealots, so its rare that you actually get a chance to kill a zealot, because there aren't a ton of them. so you form a team, then if anyone on your team gets a kill, you got a kill. your whole team will finish the quest at the same time. of course this would be much more fun with people you know (hint, hint!)
I started on a new server today as an undead mage. i'm up to level 6, when i quit the highest level on the server was a 13, so i'm sticking with it! i don't remember the name of the server but it is the newest PvE server. I'll post the name later, so you can buy the game and come find me! my mages name is kooc. i know, wtf?
I started on a new server today as an undead mage. i'm up to level 6, when i quit the highest level on the server was a 13, so i'm sticking with it! i don't remember the name of the server but it is the newest PvE server. I'll post the name later, so you can buy the game and come find me! my mages name is kooc. i know, wtf?
amazing norway
this article just brought so many different thoughts into my mind that i don't know what to write about? a blowjob AND $6000, and who is the one that was getting raped? i think its about the best way to be waken up, norway thinks its rape. i guess it depends on the person maybe??
cleaning out my office
tomorrow is my last day so I've been cleaning out my office this morn. as every day gets closer to my last day i feel i'm going to miss this place more and more each day.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
what the hell is this [gmail]
it looks like gmail is just going to constantly increase the amount of free storage space they are going to give you. go to [you'll have to log out if you are logged it] and look towards the middle of the page on the left where it says Don't throw anything away. below that it shows you how much storage space you get, but it just keeps going up. sure its moving slowly, but over a day or two you got more space just added than hotmail used to give you total! thats just a little bit crazy, and awesome!!!!
So I've finally been able to get in and play some world of warcraft! it sure seems pretty damm cool. i have 2 different characters on 2 different servers. first i made a night elf druid named derrickk. got him up to level 4! then i created a tauron (bull like people) named reddbull, who i think i got to level 3 :) i don't know what servers are good ones to get into or anything, but i think i'd like to make an undead warlock or mage? maybe i'll start my own guild? maybe not? if anyone reading this is playing, let me know what server your on and what race, we can hook up!
I'll have to do some extensive play testing this weekend before I give my final evaluation, but i think its going to be very good!
I'll have to do some extensive play testing this weekend before I give my final evaluation, but i think its going to be very good!
i finally got it
i'm so hungry
i could eat a pizza. oh wait, i'm going to if onree ever gets over here!
its my last pizza hut buffet wednesday, cause next wednesday i'll be working downtown!
its my last pizza hut buffet wednesday, cause next wednesday i'll be working downtown!
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
i love this shit
i absolutely love it when people overreact to something so stupid. if the panties of this country weren't stuffed so far up its buttcrack that canada was getting a whiff of whatever brady's got on his fingers, well i don't know what would happen, but it seems like that is the scenario we have here.
just the kind of shit that makes me want to move to canada. winnipeg here i come baby! wait, no nhl in winnipeg. oh fuckit, no nhl anywhere, here i come winnipeg!
and i don't give a flying fuck about how true anything she said is. people are just stupid. it seems like americans more than others, but maybe thats just cause i live here and thats the news that i get? who knows???? who cares?????
just the kind of shit that makes me want to move to canada. winnipeg here i come baby! wait, no nhl in winnipeg. oh fuckit, no nhl anywhere, here i come winnipeg!
and i don't give a flying fuck about how true anything she said is. people are just stupid. it seems like americans more than others, but maybe thats just cause i live here and thats the news that i get? who knows???? who cares?????
Fw: FW: FW: Fw: Re: FW: warning, you are going to be spammed
a public service announcement:
dear email user,
this is very serious, do you like spam? well nobody really does but people will still send it to you, its like they just don't care.
there are many methods you can use to reduce the amount of spam you receive. one is to not let the spammers get ahold of your email address. one way they are able to get your email address is called address harvesting. you know when you get a forwarded email warning you about some fake virus, or testing an email tracking system, those are perfect places for email addresses to be harvested. when people don't remove all the other email addresses that are in a forwarded email, eventually a spammer will get his grubby hands on it and have 100's if not 1000's of email addresses that he can start spamming.
what can you do? stop sending stupid forwarded emails around the internet. or ffs at least cut out all the previous info about who it came to you from and who sent it to them before you.
send this to your entire address book, it just may save your inbox!
dear email user,
this is very serious, do you like spam? well nobody really does but people will still send it to you, its like they just don't care.
there are many methods you can use to reduce the amount of spam you receive. one is to not let the spammers get ahold of your email address. one way they are able to get your email address is called address harvesting. you know when you get a forwarded email warning you about some fake virus, or testing an email tracking system, those are perfect places for email addresses to be harvested. when people don't remove all the other email addresses that are in a forwarded email, eventually a spammer will get his grubby hands on it and have 100's if not 1000's of email addresses that he can start spamming.
what can you do? stop sending stupid forwarded emails around the internet. or ffs at least cut out all the previous info about who it came to you from and who sent it to them before you.
send this to your entire address book, it just may save your inbox!
i'm on a hunger strike
i'm not eating until someone can explain this and make it so clear that you granny could explain it to her grandkids. leave a comment if you can do that!
6. Space/Time
Key Concepts:
Modernist: three-dimensional space; integral; homogeneous; striated space;
Newtonian mechanics; Euclidean geometry; Cartesian coordinates;
quantitative; differential equations and continuities; reversibility of
Postmodernist: multidimensional; smooth; fractal; imaginary; quantum
mechanics/relativity; implicate (enfolded) order; non-Euclidean geometry;
holographic; topology theory; qualitative; twister space (imaginary);
cyberspace; nonlinear; nonreversible time.
a. Modernist Thought. Modernist thought rests on Newtonian mechanics. This
classical view in physics rests on notions of absolute space and time. This
in turn is connected with the existence of determinism within systems: if we
know the positions, masses, and velocities of a particle at one time we can
accurately determine their positions and velocities at all later times
(Bohm, 1980: 121).
Newtonian physics and Euclidean geometry, with its use of Cartesian
coordinates, is the map or blueprint of space on which modernists construct
the social world. It is what Deleuze and Guattari refer to as striated space
(1987: 488): it consists of space with whole-number dimensions where
constant direction can be describable and end-states predictable. Drawing
from Descartes' coordinate grid of an x-axis perpendicularly intersecting
with a y-axis, a point could be located anywhere in two-dimensional space
(similarly with 3-D space, with an added z-axis). Thus the equation, y = 3x,
can be identified on this graph. At one stroke geometry and algebra are
linked. And Newton refined this further with his calculus with its
differential equations. Now a continuous change in one variable can be shown
to produce a calculable change in the other. And just as time flows forward,
it can flow backward in a predictable way: the romantic past, the "good old
days," can be re-created.
This model has been incorporated in the social sciences. A person's life
course, for example, could be plotted with precision if we could discover
appropriate determinants. This is the basis of positivism. It is by a
striated space (Deleuze and Guattari, 1987) that science progresses and by
which desire can be territorialized on the body (1986) by a political
economy. But striated space needs its discrete variables with whole-number
b. Postmodernist Thought. Postmodernists see things differently. Quantum
mechanics, non-Euclidean geometry, string theory, twister space, topology
theory, and chaos theory, to name a few of the most prominent approaches,
have offered alternative conceptions. The question of a dimension and
prediction becomes problematic.
Nuclear physicists, for example, faced with trying to reconcile general
relativity theory with quantum mechanics, have come up with infinities. By
adding space dimensions to their equations, these begin to drop out of the
equation. At 10-D in one model and 26-D in another, they disappear (Peat,
1988; Kaku, 1994). The 3-D model we see is perhaps just an explicate order
with the rest of the dimensions rolled up tightly (compactified). This
compactified order is the enfolded or implicate order (Bohm, 1980), said to
have its origins moments after the Big Bang.
Chaos theory has developed the idea of fractal dimensions. Rather than
having whole dimensions we can refer to a space with 1½ dimensions, 1¾, etc.
(A point has a dimension of zero, a line a dimension of one; a plane, two; a
volume, three.) A coastline, for example, can have a fractal dimension
between one and two. So, for example, contrary to the Boolean logic of
doctrinal legal analysis, truths are always fractal in form. Deleuze and
Guattari have developed the idea of a smooth space, which is continuous, not
discrete. The notion of fractals is in accord with smooth space (1987), and,
as we shall show below, fields. It is within smooth space that becoming
occurs; but progress and conventional science is done in striated space (p.
486; see also Bergson, 1958; Serres, 1982a, 1982b).
Yet others, such as the noted mathematician Penrose, have constructed a view
of space in terms of imaginary numbers, a twister space (Peat, 1988: Chapter
8; Penrose, 1989: 87-98). Chaos theorists, such as Mandelbrot, made use of
complex numbers in the form of z = x + iy, where i is an imaginary number
(the square root of -1). By further plotting z = z 2 + c and by taking the
result and reiterating by the use of the same formula, they were to find
enormously complex and esthetically appealing figures (see Penrose, 1989:
92-4). Yet others have relied on the hologram to indicate how inscriptions
of phenomena are encoded and how they can be revealed with their
multidimensional splendor (Bohm, 1980: 150; Pribram, 1977). Finally, we note
the field of topology, the qualitative math which offers alternative ways of
conceptualizing phenomena without the use of math. Here, in what is often
called the "rubber math," figures are twisted, pulled, and reshaped in
various ways. Breaking and gluing are not legitimate operations. Breaking
produces entirely new forms. Much current thinking in nuclear- and
astrophysics relies on topology theory (Peat, 1988; Kaku, 1994).
Lacan has made use of topology to explain such things as the structure of
the psychic apparatus by using borromean knots, Mobius bands, the torus, and
projective geometry (the cross-cap) (see also Milovanovic, 1993b, 1994c;
Granon-Lafont, 1985, 1990; Vappereau, 1988; for an introduction to topology
theory, see Hilbert and Cohn-Vossen, 1952; Weeks, 1985; for non-Euclidean
geometry, see Russell, 1956). In fact, in 4-D space the borromean knot of
Lacan is no longer knotted. The cross-cap, which topologically portrays the
working of schema R and how desire is embodied as a result of the effects of
the Symbolic, Imaginary, and Real Orders, can also be presented in 3-D or
4-D space (Milovanovic, 1994c; Hilbert and Cohn-Vossen, 1952). It is not
without effect when we move from 3-D to 4-D space (Rucker, 1984; Banchoff,
1990; for the contributions of non-Euclidean geometry and 4-D space on
cubism in art, see Henderson, 1983). Much needs to be done in the analysis
of the effects of these novel conceptions.
Thus, for the postmodernists, several notions of space are currently being
explored and incorporated in their analysis of the subject, discourse,
causality, and society: multiple dimensional (Peat, 1988), fractal
(Mandelbrot, 1983), holographic (Talbot, 1991; Bohm, 1980: Pribram, 1977),
enfolded/implicate order (Bohm, 1980; Bohm and Peat, 1987), cyberspace
(Gibson, 1984), hyperreal (Baudrillard, 1981), smooth space (Deleuze and
Guattari, 1987), twister space (Penrose, 1989; see also Peat, 1988), and
topological (Lacan, 1976, 1987a; Peat, 1988; Granon-Lafont, 1985, 1990;
Vappereau, 1988; Milovanovic, 1993b, 1994c; Lem, 1984). T.R. Young has been
succinct in indicating the relevance of these notions in that an alternative
space is open for the development of conceptions of "human agency in ways
not possible in those dynamics privileged by Newtonian physics, Aristotelian
logic, Euclidean geometry and the linear causality they presume" (1992:
447). And there can be no return to the nostalgic "good old days": time is
irreversible; since initial conditions are undecidable, then, with the
passage of time and iteration, there can be no return to some decidable
7. Causality
Key Concepts:
Modernist: linear; proportional effects; positivism; determinism; classical
physics; I. Newton; "God does not play dice"; certainty; grand theorizing;
predictability; future fixed by past; particle effects.
Postmodernist: nonlinear; disproportional effects; genealogy; rhizome;
chance; contingency; quantum mechanics; uncertainty; iteration; catastrophe
theory; paradoxical; discontinuities; singularities; field effects.
a. Modernist Thought. Modernist thought rests on the determinism of
Newtonian physics. It appears most often in the form of positivism.
Modernist thought would assume that given some incremental increase in some
identified cause or determinant, a proportional and linear increase in the
effect will result. The basic unit of analysis is particles (i.e., assumed
autonomous individuals, social "elements," and discrete categories) and
their contributory effects. The use of cartesian coordinates, whole-number
dimensions, calculus, etc., in a few words, striated space, is what makes
possible a highly predictive mathematics. Even Einstein refused to accept
much of quantum mechanics that came after him, particularly the notion that
God plays dice.
b. Postmodernist Thought. Postmodernists see things differently. Chaos
theory, Godel's theorem, and quantum mechanics stipulate that proportional
effects do not necessarily follow some incremental increase of an input
variable. Uncertainty, indeterminacy, and disproportional (nonlinear)
effects are all underlying assumptions and worthy of inquiry in explaining
an event (genealogy). In the extreme, a butterfly flapping its wings in East
Asia produces a hurricane in Warren, Ohio. Key thinkers here are Edward
Lorenz, Benoit Mandelbrot, and Stephen Smale (see the excellent overview by
Gleick, 1987; Briggs and Peat, 1989). In fact, in the extreme, something can
emerge out of nothing at points identified as singularities; this is the
sphere of order arising out of disorder.
Two current approaches within chaos theory are making their impact: one,
focused more on order that exists in an otherwise apparently disorderly
state of affairs (Hayles, 1991: 12; see Feigenbaum, 1980; Shaw, 1981); the
second, focused more on how, in fact, order arises out of chaotic systems—
order out of disorder or self-organization (Hayles, 1991: 12; 1990: 1-28;
see also Prigogine and Stengers, 1984; Thom, 1975). A growing number of
applications is taking place. See particularly Unger's application in his
prescription for an empowered democracy (1987).
The notion of iteration is a central concept of postmodernism. Simply, it
means recomputing with answers obtained from some formula. Continuous
feedback and iteration produces disproportional (not linear) effects.
Derrida has applied it to how words obtain new meaning in new contexts
(1976; see also Balkan, 1987); in law, for example, the "original intent" of
the "founding fathers" undergoes modification over time and can not be
reconstructed. The point being made is that because of minute initial
uncertainties—however small, consider Godel's theorem—, when iteration
proceeds these are amplified, producing indeterminacies (Hayles, 1990: 183;
Lyotard, 1984: 55). Thus, rather than celebrating global theory, chaos
theorists and postmodernists look to local knowledges, where small changes
can produce large effects (Hayles, 1990: 211). In other words,
postmodernists see otherwise small contributions as having profound
possibilities. Yes, one "small" person's actions can make a difference! One
person's involvement in a demonstration, petition signature, act of civil
disobedience, or "speaking up," can, in the long run, have greater effects
than anticipated.
Causation can be attributed to field rather than particle effects (Bohm,
1980; Bohm and Peat, 1987). Borrowing from Bohm's insights concerning the
quantum potential and the enfolded order where all is interconnected, rather
than focusing, as the modernists do, on particles, points and point events,
all of which are narrowly spatiotemporally defined (analogously, consider
the subject in traditional positivistic sciences: an object, located
socioeconomically, who has engaged in some act at a particular time and
place), the unit of analysis, for postmodernists, should be a field with its
moments, duration, intensities, flows, displacements of libidinal energy.
Moments, unlike point events, have fluctuating time-space coordinates that
defy precise measurement (Bohm, 1980: 207). Within this field, heterogeneous
intensities can affect movement, even if they are not immediately
discernible or linear and/or local. Nonlinear and nonlocal factors,
therefore, even at a distance, can have a noticeable effect (Bohm and Peat,
1987: 88-93, 182-3). Research awaits in drawing out the implications of
moving from 3-D to 4-D space, i.e., what is knotted in the former becomes
unknotted in the latter (Rucker, 1984; Kaku, 1994; consider Lacan's
borromean knot in 4-D space, as discussed in Milovanovic, 1993b).
In the postmodern view, certainties that do appear are often the creation of
subjects: Nietzsche has shown, for example, how a subject in need of
"horizons" finds semiotic fictions that produce the appearance of a centered
subject; Peirce, anticipating chaos, has shown how free will is often
created after the event as the "facts" are rearranged to fit a deterministic
model and individual authorship (1923: 47); legal realists, in the early
part of this century, have shown that what creates order in legal
decision-making is not syllogistic reasoning and a formally rational legal
systems, but ex post facto constructions; and so forth. For postmodernists,
especially Nietzsche and Foucault, it is the "fear of the chaotic and the
unclassifiable" (Dews, 1987: 186) that accounts for the order we attribute
to nature.
6. Space/Time
Key Concepts:
Modernist: three-dimensional space; integral; homogeneous; striated space;
Newtonian mechanics; Euclidean geometry; Cartesian coordinates;
quantitative; differential equations and continuities; reversibility of
Postmodernist: multidimensional; smooth; fractal; imaginary; quantum
mechanics/relativity; implicate (enfolded) order; non-Euclidean geometry;
holographic; topology theory; qualitative; twister space (imaginary);
cyberspace; nonlinear; nonreversible time.
a. Modernist Thought. Modernist thought rests on Newtonian mechanics. This
classical view in physics rests on notions of absolute space and time. This
in turn is connected with the existence of determinism within systems: if we
know the positions, masses, and velocities of a particle at one time we can
accurately determine their positions and velocities at all later times
(Bohm, 1980: 121).
Newtonian physics and Euclidean geometry, with its use of Cartesian
coordinates, is the map or blueprint of space on which modernists construct
the social world. It is what Deleuze and Guattari refer to as striated space
(1987: 488): it consists of space with whole-number dimensions where
constant direction can be describable and end-states predictable. Drawing
from Descartes' coordinate grid of an x-axis perpendicularly intersecting
with a y-axis, a point could be located anywhere in two-dimensional space
(similarly with 3-D space, with an added z-axis). Thus the equation, y = 3x,
can be identified on this graph. At one stroke geometry and algebra are
linked. And Newton refined this further with his calculus with its
differential equations. Now a continuous change in one variable can be shown
to produce a calculable change in the other. And just as time flows forward,
it can flow backward in a predictable way: the romantic past, the "good old
days," can be re-created.
This model has been incorporated in the social sciences. A person's life
course, for example, could be plotted with precision if we could discover
appropriate determinants. This is the basis of positivism. It is by a
striated space (Deleuze and Guattari, 1987) that science progresses and by
which desire can be territorialized on the body (1986) by a political
economy. But striated space needs its discrete variables with whole-number
b. Postmodernist Thought. Postmodernists see things differently. Quantum
mechanics, non-Euclidean geometry, string theory, twister space, topology
theory, and chaos theory, to name a few of the most prominent approaches,
have offered alternative conceptions. The question of a dimension and
prediction becomes problematic.
Nuclear physicists, for example, faced with trying to reconcile general
relativity theory with quantum mechanics, have come up with infinities. By
adding space dimensions to their equations, these begin to drop out of the
equation. At 10-D in one model and 26-D in another, they disappear (Peat,
1988; Kaku, 1994). The 3-D model we see is perhaps just an explicate order
with the rest of the dimensions rolled up tightly (compactified). This
compactified order is the enfolded or implicate order (Bohm, 1980), said to
have its origins moments after the Big Bang.
Chaos theory has developed the idea of fractal dimensions. Rather than
having whole dimensions we can refer to a space with 1½ dimensions, 1¾, etc.
(A point has a dimension of zero, a line a dimension of one; a plane, two; a
volume, three.) A coastline, for example, can have a fractal dimension
between one and two. So, for example, contrary to the Boolean logic of
doctrinal legal analysis, truths are always fractal in form. Deleuze and
Guattari have developed the idea of a smooth space, which is continuous, not
discrete. The notion of fractals is in accord with smooth space (1987), and,
as we shall show below, fields. It is within smooth space that becoming
occurs; but progress and conventional science is done in striated space (p.
486; see also Bergson, 1958; Serres, 1982a, 1982b).
Yet others, such as the noted mathematician Penrose, have constructed a view
of space in terms of imaginary numbers, a twister space (Peat, 1988: Chapter
8; Penrose, 1989: 87-98). Chaos theorists, such as Mandelbrot, made use of
complex numbers in the form of z = x + iy, where i is an imaginary number
(the square root of -1). By further plotting z = z 2 + c and by taking the
result and reiterating by the use of the same formula, they were to find
enormously complex and esthetically appealing figures (see Penrose, 1989:
92-4). Yet others have relied on the hologram to indicate how inscriptions
of phenomena are encoded and how they can be revealed with their
multidimensional splendor (Bohm, 1980: 150; Pribram, 1977). Finally, we note
the field of topology, the qualitative math which offers alternative ways of
conceptualizing phenomena without the use of math. Here, in what is often
called the "rubber math," figures are twisted, pulled, and reshaped in
various ways. Breaking and gluing are not legitimate operations. Breaking
produces entirely new forms. Much current thinking in nuclear- and
astrophysics relies on topology theory (Peat, 1988; Kaku, 1994).
Lacan has made use of topology to explain such things as the structure of
the psychic apparatus by using borromean knots, Mobius bands, the torus, and
projective geometry (the cross-cap) (see also Milovanovic, 1993b, 1994c;
Granon-Lafont, 1985, 1990; Vappereau, 1988; for an introduction to topology
theory, see Hilbert and Cohn-Vossen, 1952; Weeks, 1985; for non-Euclidean
geometry, see Russell, 1956). In fact, in 4-D space the borromean knot of
Lacan is no longer knotted. The cross-cap, which topologically portrays the
working of schema R and how desire is embodied as a result of the effects of
the Symbolic, Imaginary, and Real Orders, can also be presented in 3-D or
4-D space (Milovanovic, 1994c; Hilbert and Cohn-Vossen, 1952). It is not
without effect when we move from 3-D to 4-D space (Rucker, 1984; Banchoff,
1990; for the contributions of non-Euclidean geometry and 4-D space on
cubism in art, see Henderson, 1983). Much needs to be done in the analysis
of the effects of these novel conceptions.
Thus, for the postmodernists, several notions of space are currently being
explored and incorporated in their analysis of the subject, discourse,
causality, and society: multiple dimensional (Peat, 1988), fractal
(Mandelbrot, 1983), holographic (Talbot, 1991; Bohm, 1980: Pribram, 1977),
enfolded/implicate order (Bohm, 1980; Bohm and Peat, 1987), cyberspace
(Gibson, 1984), hyperreal (Baudrillard, 1981), smooth space (Deleuze and
Guattari, 1987), twister space (Penrose, 1989; see also Peat, 1988), and
topological (Lacan, 1976, 1987a; Peat, 1988; Granon-Lafont, 1985, 1990;
Vappereau, 1988; Milovanovic, 1993b, 1994c; Lem, 1984). T.R. Young has been
succinct in indicating the relevance of these notions in that an alternative
space is open for the development of conceptions of "human agency in ways
not possible in those dynamics privileged by Newtonian physics, Aristotelian
logic, Euclidean geometry and the linear causality they presume" (1992:
447). And there can be no return to the nostalgic "good old days": time is
irreversible; since initial conditions are undecidable, then, with the
passage of time and iteration, there can be no return to some decidable
7. Causality
Key Concepts:
Modernist: linear; proportional effects; positivism; determinism; classical
physics; I. Newton; "God does not play dice"; certainty; grand theorizing;
predictability; future fixed by past; particle effects.
Postmodernist: nonlinear; disproportional effects; genealogy; rhizome;
chance; contingency; quantum mechanics; uncertainty; iteration; catastrophe
theory; paradoxical; discontinuities; singularities; field effects.
a. Modernist Thought. Modernist thought rests on the determinism of
Newtonian physics. It appears most often in the form of positivism.
Modernist thought would assume that given some incremental increase in some
identified cause or determinant, a proportional and linear increase in the
effect will result. The basic unit of analysis is particles (i.e., assumed
autonomous individuals, social "elements," and discrete categories) and
their contributory effects. The use of cartesian coordinates, whole-number
dimensions, calculus, etc., in a few words, striated space, is what makes
possible a highly predictive mathematics. Even Einstein refused to accept
much of quantum mechanics that came after him, particularly the notion that
God plays dice.
b. Postmodernist Thought. Postmodernists see things differently. Chaos
theory, Godel's theorem, and quantum mechanics stipulate that proportional
effects do not necessarily follow some incremental increase of an input
variable. Uncertainty, indeterminacy, and disproportional (nonlinear)
effects are all underlying assumptions and worthy of inquiry in explaining
an event (genealogy). In the extreme, a butterfly flapping its wings in East
Asia produces a hurricane in Warren, Ohio. Key thinkers here are Edward
Lorenz, Benoit Mandelbrot, and Stephen Smale (see the excellent overview by
Gleick, 1987; Briggs and Peat, 1989). In fact, in the extreme, something can
emerge out of nothing at points identified as singularities; this is the
sphere of order arising out of disorder.
Two current approaches within chaos theory are making their impact: one,
focused more on order that exists in an otherwise apparently disorderly
state of affairs (Hayles, 1991: 12; see Feigenbaum, 1980; Shaw, 1981); the
second, focused more on how, in fact, order arises out of chaotic systems—
order out of disorder or self-organization (Hayles, 1991: 12; 1990: 1-28;
see also Prigogine and Stengers, 1984; Thom, 1975). A growing number of
applications is taking place. See particularly Unger's application in his
prescription for an empowered democracy (1987).
The notion of iteration is a central concept of postmodernism. Simply, it
means recomputing with answers obtained from some formula. Continuous
feedback and iteration produces disproportional (not linear) effects.
Derrida has applied it to how words obtain new meaning in new contexts
(1976; see also Balkan, 1987); in law, for example, the "original intent" of
the "founding fathers" undergoes modification over time and can not be
reconstructed. The point being made is that because of minute initial
uncertainties—however small, consider Godel's theorem—, when iteration
proceeds these are amplified, producing indeterminacies (Hayles, 1990: 183;
Lyotard, 1984: 55). Thus, rather than celebrating global theory, chaos
theorists and postmodernists look to local knowledges, where small changes
can produce large effects (Hayles, 1990: 211). In other words,
postmodernists see otherwise small contributions as having profound
possibilities. Yes, one "small" person's actions can make a difference! One
person's involvement in a demonstration, petition signature, act of civil
disobedience, or "speaking up," can, in the long run, have greater effects
than anticipated.
Causation can be attributed to field rather than particle effects (Bohm,
1980; Bohm and Peat, 1987). Borrowing from Bohm's insights concerning the
quantum potential and the enfolded order where all is interconnected, rather
than focusing, as the modernists do, on particles, points and point events,
all of which are narrowly spatiotemporally defined (analogously, consider
the subject in traditional positivistic sciences: an object, located
socioeconomically, who has engaged in some act at a particular time and
place), the unit of analysis, for postmodernists, should be a field with its
moments, duration, intensities, flows, displacements of libidinal energy.
Moments, unlike point events, have fluctuating time-space coordinates that
defy precise measurement (Bohm, 1980: 207). Within this field, heterogeneous
intensities can affect movement, even if they are not immediately
discernible or linear and/or local. Nonlinear and nonlocal factors,
therefore, even at a distance, can have a noticeable effect (Bohm and Peat,
1987: 88-93, 182-3). Research awaits in drawing out the implications of
moving from 3-D to 4-D space, i.e., what is knotted in the former becomes
unknotted in the latter (Rucker, 1984; Kaku, 1994; consider Lacan's
borromean knot in 4-D space, as discussed in Milovanovic, 1993b).
In the postmodern view, certainties that do appear are often the creation of
subjects: Nietzsche has shown, for example, how a subject in need of
"horizons" finds semiotic fictions that produce the appearance of a centered
subject; Peirce, anticipating chaos, has shown how free will is often
created after the event as the "facts" are rearranged to fit a deterministic
model and individual authorship (1923: 47); legal realists, in the early
part of this century, have shown that what creates order in legal
decision-making is not syllogistic reasoning and a formally rational legal
systems, but ex post facto constructions; and so forth. For postmodernists,
especially Nietzsche and Foucault, it is the "fear of the chaotic and the
unclassifiable" (Dews, 1987: 186) that accounts for the order we attribute
to nature.
Monday, April 25, 2005
i heard a rumor
that the canadian post (same thing as USPS) exclusively hires mentally retarted people. good job canada, i'm impressed!
that being said i think schwartzville will not be located in canada. last nite talking to jon we decided that we would be the founders of our own city. schwartzville is just a temporary name because it was my idea. anyway, since he's the criminal theory guy, he will give me the logic, i'll program it into law enforcement robots, we just need some type of engineer to design our law enforcement robots. also, we will need several other people to get our city going, so here is a list of people we'll need. this is a work in progress so please let me know who else mite be needed.
1. engineer
2. talk show host
3. teacher
4. animal keeper/trainer
5. mad scientist
6. financial advisor
7. sales person
8. carpenter/construction
9. chauffer (my spelling is bad but at least i didn't just write show-fur!)
10. geologist
11. brewmaster
12. someone with lots of vibeology
let me know if you've got the skills to fill any of these needed positions!
that being said i think schwartzville will not be located in canada. last nite talking to jon we decided that we would be the founders of our own city. schwartzville is just a temporary name because it was my idea. anyway, since he's the criminal theory guy, he will give me the logic, i'll program it into law enforcement robots, we just need some type of engineer to design our law enforcement robots. also, we will need several other people to get our city going, so here is a list of people we'll need. this is a work in progress so please let me know who else mite be needed.
1. engineer
2. talk show host
3. teacher
4. animal keeper/trainer
5. mad scientist
6. financial advisor
7. sales person
8. carpenter/construction
9. chauffer (my spelling is bad but at least i didn't just write show-fur!)
10. geologist
11. brewmaster
12. someone with lots of vibeology
let me know if you've got the skills to fill any of these needed positions!
Sunday, April 24, 2005
guild wars or world of warcraft
i don't know which game i'll buy in the next couple of weeks. have any of you loyal kidpurple fans played either of these games. i played guild wars in one of the beta weekends and thought it sucked, but it could have improved a lot since then. i wish WoW had a demo that you could play..... either way, i'll be looking for others that play whichever game i do decide on buying.
karoake at the fuckin bowler
just got home from the bowler! a couple interesting things happened there. first of all, i beat my roommate (aka wife [aka jill]) at ntn nascar trivia with a pathetic score somewher near 300 out of a possible 1500! then karaoake started. i did this one with the fugge, but then i did my 2nd favorite karoake song and got cut off at the end. of course there it a lot of no singing at the end, but maybe i was just that bad? i did get a blow up penis from some bachelorette
then all hell broke loose. poop-breath said he was going to stick a 2X4 up my ass and out my urethrea and skateboard thru it. fuck i though, i told him i would cut off my own penis and stick it up his ass, it would then turn into something like the mechanical scorpion from the matrix, make its way to his brain and make him gay. what a weird guy, i hope your reading this casey!
then all hell broke loose. poop-breath said he was going to stick a 2X4 up my ass and out my urethrea and skateboard thru it. fuck i though, i told him i would cut off my own penis and stick it up his ass, it would then turn into something like the mechanical scorpion from the matrix, make its way to his brain and make him gay. what a weird guy, i hope your reading this casey!
Saturday, April 23, 2005 once again!
hey fargonians: i've been working on again! this time you can update the shit yourself! collect the daily specials when your out and put em on the website! then you always know where the cheap booze is gonna be!!!!
and let me know what you think of the new design! pretty freaking awesome huh, i should be an artist....
holy shit [edit] i didn't realize i had not link:
and let me know what you think of the new design! pretty freaking awesome huh, i should be an artist....
holy shit [edit] i didn't realize i had not link:
Friday, April 22, 2005
who plays world of warcraft
quotebook is back
I know everyone liked the quotebook on the old site, so i brought it back. it is going to be its own blog, ask me for access and you got it! view the new quotebook here:
who reads your email when you die?
this is an interesting question. reading that made me think about who would take over this website if i die?
a couple of you registered on the old website and actually posted something to it. i'll invite you to become members this one also. at the time of my death orange smoke should be realeased from the chimney of the kidpurple corporate headquarters. at that time the remaining contributors will vote on which of them has the highest number of quality posts, and that user will take over the admin spot for the site.
purple smoke will then rise from the corporate headquarters to tell my mom that a successor has been chosen.
so if you ever contributed to the old site, watch for an invitation coming soon. or if you want to contribute, email me or leave a comment here and i'll invite you.
a couple of you registered on the old website and actually posted something to it. i'll invite you to become members this one also. at the time of my death orange smoke should be realeased from the chimney of the kidpurple corporate headquarters. at that time the remaining contributors will vote on which of them has the highest number of quality posts, and that user will take over the admin spot for the site.
purple smoke will then rise from the corporate headquarters to tell my mom that a successor has been chosen.
so if you ever contributed to the old site, watch for an invitation coming soon. or if you want to contribute, email me or leave a comment here and i'll invite you.
eyeballs and vaginas
what do you want for christmas this year?
a new ipod? pants? a computer? lame, lame and lame. read this article and you'll know what you can get me for christmas this year!
i support your vagina
i can't belevie the stupid shit that can get you kicked out of school, myabe anyone who brings a vagina should be suspended, free strip searches for everyone!
ps - laura: did you see er last nite? the eyeball thing would have made you puke on yourself!
pps - you got my vote!
a new ipod? pants? a computer? lame, lame and lame. read this article and you'll know what you can get me for christmas this year!
i support your vagina
i can't belevie the stupid shit that can get you kicked out of school, myabe anyone who brings a vagina should be suspended, free strip searches for everyone!
ps - laura: did you see er last nite? the eyeball thing would have made you puke on yourself!
pps - you got my vote!
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Pushing Tin / Passur
i watched pushing tin last nite, a movie about some air traffic controllers. today i find this website that allows you to watch air traffic over some major aiports, its kinda neat. you really can see how they line up the arriving planes.
i'm just surprised hector intl isn't on the list! for a good view zoom out to 80 miles!
i'm just surprised hector intl isn't on the list! for a good view zoom out to 80 miles!
blogger and pingomatic
does anyone have any idea how to hit pingomatic with blogger? it only offers the ability to ping as far as i can tell......
how do you pronounce "i won one game one to one"
i found this t-shirt on a great t-shirt site just rite before i was gonna head to bed here this morn. i had to post this for you fuckers that used to give me shit for how i pronounced won. thats some funny shit. i had to even sign up to become an affiliate for this site, they've got some other really funny shirts, check em out!

i used to play dungeons and dragons
but luckily i never started to worship the devil, i never washed up on a beach, or anything else that may have happened to some child of someone who was once on oprah, or whatever....
anyway, this is kinda old but someone was talking about it last nite at our poker game, so i figured i'd give a link here for those of you who didn't know what the whole lightning bolt thing was all about. first watch the original video, then watch the remix. this brings many hours of enjoyment to my life!!!
anyway, this is kinda old but someone was talking about it last nite at our poker game, so i figured i'd give a link here for those of you who didn't know what the whole lightning bolt thing was all about. first watch the original video, then watch the remix. this brings many hours of enjoyment to my life!!!
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
only one referral from a free ipod!
I'm only one referral away from a free ipod. won't you help me celebrate getting a new job by giving me that one last referral. if you do, you will also have the chance to claim a free ipod if you then refer some people. please, i'm starving for music. right now all i have is a barenaked ladies tape in an old walkman, please help. if you give me a referral, post your link in the comments or email me. if you complete an offer, i'll post you link here. i've noticed that i'm getting a tiny bit of traffic from blogspot! please help me random web surfer, your my only hope. not even my own sister loves me enough to give me a referral. also check out the links for a free ipod shuffle and playstation portable:
ps - also if you give me a referral for any of these offers, i'll show you a website that has naked pictures of jenny mccarthy and pamela anderson!!!! how can you beat a deal like that?? oh thats rite, you can't!
ps - also if you give me a referral for any of these offers, i'll show you a website that has naked pictures of jenny mccarthy and pamela anderson!!!! how can you beat a deal like that?? oh thats rite, you can't!
i'm trying to set up a account so i can dynamically update a list of links on this site that aren't in my blogroll, and also allow for rss access so that those of you who were used to getting in you will still be able to. now you can, look at the FEED section on the right! anyway, i came across feedburner to do this and the've got some cool stuff, check out the button below:

you can add this button to your own website, here is the code to copy for it!

you can add this button to your own website, here is the code to copy for it!
beer and pretzels
well what the fuck, i assume most of you that will read this are in or have spent a lot of time in north dakota. and if you are reading it you must know me, and chances are that you've been to a bar with me, maybe even one of the lauerman's bars in fargo. i know i love to hit up lauermans and get a beer along with a nice big basket of pretzels with a pickeled egg on the top! but check out the link below, and notice the thing about north dakota was submitted from someone in FL, fucking FL.......
you gotta sign up to post
you must be a blogger member to post comments. so few people actually used this and i got so much spam i decided to only give comments to registered users. its totally free and you can even set up your own site then!
now i'll just have to see if i can import entries from wordpress to blogger.....
now i'll just have to see if i can import entries from wordpress to blogger.....
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