Sunday, August 05, 2007

EPL Season Is Upon Us

That means it is time to get your team together for the Dakota Division.

Group ID#: 11892
Password: dakota

Get you teams in this week, and forward this on to anyone else you think would like to join the Dakota Division.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

A Little User Participation

If you had never heard of these places before, as if they didn't actually exist, which would you choose to go to and why? Don't tell me you wouldn't go to either, it is a hypothetical question dumb ass, you have to go to one of the other, or you die. which do you go to?

1. Jiffy Lube

2. Kum & Go

My Absence

If you haven't noticed, I've been away for a while. Last weekend went camping out at Glacial Lakes. Early Monday morn left for Denver for work. Got back on Wednesday evening, and just like the last time I flew I ended up with a nasty sinus infection that I am just started to beat down. I've been on some hard drugs since Thursday morning and today is the first day I feel I'm going in the right direction.

Hopefully I'll be back up to my full blogging potential soon!