Friday, March 31, 2006

(is this || this is) weird

ok, by show of hands, who else has this happened to:

you ever take a pee and it smells like cherioo's, then you decide you could really go for a bowl of cherioo's.

weird, ain't it?

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Soon those 2 will be doing the same thing, just with the roles reversed!

dietrich / gravy

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

picture of the day today

here is another picture from brandon. i beleive this is an action shot from the championship game that was described yesterday.

CCSC Bajae 5 - 4 Brandon

screenshots on my way to bed

i've got 2 world of warcraft characters. Beatie is a tauren druid and i also have an undead warrior, here are some screenshots:

Monday, March 27, 2006

picture of the day

its been a while since i've gotten around to posting the picture of the day due to my excessive WoW playing. My druid is kickin some ass and i'll get some screenshot here cause i'm sure thats what you all want to see!

anyway, here i give the thumbs up after a hard fought victory. i beleive this is after the game that we beat the brandon team in brandon in the championship game. our first game vs this team was brutal and we lost 2-0, but this was a great game, kevin got a red card and bob came into goal and saved a pk with his first touch. i think i had 2 goals and 2 assists in our eventualy 5-4 victory. that was one of my favorite games to play in!


Saturday, March 25, 2006

the best ever

this is one of the best things i've ever seen:

you gotta watcch the whole thing!  this is exactly how i feel somedays at work!  god i wish i knew german or whatever language this dude speaks!

Friday, March 24, 2006

signs the world is coming to an end

it is true, this proves that the world is coming to an end, starting in Arkansas.

i'm all for freedom of religion (isn't that one of the major issues that this country was founded on) and freedom of speech (another one).

so it just seems crazy to me that scientific facts would be censored because of some people's religious beleifs.  yes I say fact, it is a FACT that species evolve, and here's the proof:

the bible people who protest even the mention of the word evolution beleive that the bible is a history book, and take everything written in it as a fact (at least those who i've argued with).  in that history, 2 people were "created", and fast forward many years you have us today.  now call me crazy, but the earth is populated with many different kinds of people.  yes, argue that we're all human, but there are biological differences between you and someone that lives on the other side of the earth.  if a species did not evolve, mutate, (genetic drift) this would not be possible.  if it is, please explain.

anyway, this type of stuff just makes me kinda mad, so i flame here, and get on with my life.

annoying, isn't it.

i know, i'm done....

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


here is one of my ideas for my first oblivion character, let me know what you think:

Monday, March 20, 2006


I call up my local gamestop to see if they are selling oblivion today or tomorrow.  there is a big argument about when the game should be available, cause the publishers have said it has a ship date of marth 20th.  So I'm going ot ask if they have it for sale today or tomorrow, and here is the conversation:

dude from gamestop (DFG): "Gamestop how can i help you " blah blah whatever...
me: do you guys have the elder sc
me: okay
DFG: did you pre-order it?
me: no
DFG: if you want to get a copy you should, every call has been for that game and there aren't many left.

so i at least have a copy reserved, but i thought to myself "bummer, i have to wait till tomorrow"

then i thought to myself "its too bad (maybe even a bummer) that you don't really hear people say 'bummer' very often anymore"

so no oblivion for me tonite, dammit.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

picture of the day

oblivion is not here quite yet, so i have time to still post the picture of the day. this picture is probably from the same 19th birthday party, its a young mork, syverson, and dietrich!



This site is certified 36% EVIL by the Gematriculator

oblivion is upon us

tomorrow Oblivion comes out, you probably won't hear much from me after that.

its been almost a year since this particular incarnation of kidpurple was started here on blogger.  earlier this month i reached the 365th post mark, so i did average slightly more than 1 post per day, so don't ever say you don't get your moneys worth from this website.

where are all of my Elder Scrolls fans?

Saturday, March 18, 2006

great stuff

i hope all you KP readers had a great st. patrick's day yesterday.  i did!

get some free software here.  this is a good site, bookmark it:

so most of you have experienced peer pressure (from me) to open a gmail account.  it has been my personal goal to convert all yahoo, aol, and hotmail users to gmail, and google talk.  the one person i just can't convice happens to live with me.  i guess i'm quite a failure......

Friday, March 17, 2006

19th birthday?

this picture looks like it was probably our 19th birthday at mork's house. looks like gravy got me the eazy-e cd divider from sam goody and someone got me a pack or marlboro cigarettes? don't know why that would have been, i never smoked marlboro's.


what the hell

you've read about my hatred of myspace before.  this is due to the fact that you had to be logged in to see anything more than the annoying profile page with the annoying music videos or music that just starts playing.  i want to read a person's blog and just don't care about anything that is on the profile page.  i only realized that this is very possible without logging in thanks to links on the new blog of the ultimate p experience!  So i went thru my myspace friends to see which of them actually kept any bit of a blog and this is what i came up with, enjoy:

happy day

happy st. patricks day

i'm still pumped for oblivion to come out next week.  if it were on sale today i'd go get it right now, and probably not sleep much this weekend.

not too much interest in the tournament pick'em this year.  Balls of Gold is in the lead with 12 points, then schwartz_dj and Terry Bolea are tied with 11.  I at least have all of my eliete 8 teams alive, both of those guys had Okalhoma making it to the round of 8!!  and neither of them has picked the Jayhawks to win it all.. suckers!


how could you resist clicking on a news link that reads like this:

Don't read this if you get nightmares...

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Thanks to Jon I am now looking forward to a monday. this coming monday (the 20th) is the day the elder scrolls 4 comes out, Oblivion!

check this out for some vidoes. be sure to download the big one "Extensive Gameplay Footage".

Even just talking about it really makes me want to go get my morrowind disc out and install that sucker.

So on monday I'll buy Oblivion, start playing right away, develop a habit, write here about how much i love oblivion and it is the greatest game ever, piss off all my friends who got guild wars after i did, eventually lose all my friends, but I'll still be able to play oblivion. now don't get me wrong, i love being able to play online with you guys, i do. BUT, morrowind was the eassily best game i have ever played. i can only expect that oblivion will be just as good and many notches better! judging from the videos and screenshots i've seen it looks awesome. i haven't been able to read much about it yet tho.

dammit, i really wanna play, guess i have to wait till monday....... thanks jon, my mind is gonna be on oblivion all weekend.

party at thune's

this must be one of the last times we partied in thune's garage. that was a fun place to hang out. its weird looking at that picture now, at least 3 of those people have kids now!

last thune garage party?

mantronix day!

I've been listening to Mantronix all day and I can tell you that there isn't much better than that!  I beleive Joe is going to have a joe-bot that will have complete Mantronix knowledge, you can access joe-bot from google talk, I've been involved in some pretty heavy beta testing for joe-bot, and i'm very impressed!

I'm glad to see bierwoman is back in the blog-o-sphunk, along with the redundo blog for scrib of the nation more of you myspace users should come join us!!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

march madness

well its fantasy sports time, i created the dakota division for mach madness basketball picks.  heres the info you need to get into it:

group id#: 120919
group name: Dakota Division
group password: dakota

winner gets a coffee mug!

this dell is nuthin but a bitch

my work computer just got named for the first time in almost a year, her name is dell-ialiah.  Dellialiah is bein a real bitch this morning.  Dellialiah is acting like she doesn't know how to open a damm browser for me, and she's learning right as I ask her to do a task.  I gonna re-boot you bitch, I'll do it, I'm not messing around.  I'll give you a black&blue power button dammit.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

movies i like to watch on monday nite

i watched open water last nite, the movie that is made up of 2 people in the middle of the ocean. i remember seeing advertisments for this years ago and thinking it looked really bad, but last nite was a bad nite for movies on tv. well anyway, for a movie that is made up mostly of 2 people floating, it was surprisingly good. i'm not saying it was a great movie or anything, but not bad like i expected. i have one of those alarm clocks that has nature sounds on it, which i usually have on ocean waves, but after watching open water i decided to fall asleep in silence.

earlier in the evening last nite i watched jarhead. i got the opposite to report about this movie. i had high expectations but it turned out to be an okay movie. it wasn't bad, but i wouldn't really recommend it either.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

here is an odd one

that is me from many years ago, as the bionic man, taking a shot of chloroseptic in my old bedroom. nice glasses huh!


Saturday, March 11, 2006

something for everyone

what the hell is going on here?

well who'd of thunk it?

Your Political Profile

Overall: 10% Conservative, 90% Liberal
Social Issues: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Ethics: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal

Friday, March 10, 2006

long morn

so i swing into work about 7:20 this morning, i know i'm gonna have to wait until a co-worker gets here before i can start on what i need to do today, and this guy usually isn't in till about 9:30 - 10:00.  so i spend what seems to be about an hour browsing just a couple of my favorite sites and my rss feeds, but then i check the clock and i feel like the wind was knocked out of me.  it mite be a long day.....

Thursday, March 09, 2006

morkstriss is rocking

in today's picture-a-day is the morkstriss relaxing in a rocking chair at a heidt household i beleive.  this may have been an after prom party, i mite have even been her prom date this particular nite!  i'm sure the shoddy camera work was not cause by any alcoholic intoxication!

morkstriss rocking

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

i thought google was going out of business

when gmail and blogger were both unavailable at the same time i thought for sure google was going out of business, so i set up an emergency diet kidpurple blog on lycos.  view the post i wanted to make here, over there:

cleaning up my computer room

the computer was just getting a good old cleaning, when i came across my box of old pictures. didn't think much of it until later i gave my desk and extreme desk makeover! it was exciting and i mite have pictures for you later. well maybe not so exciting, i just moved the printer to the other side of the desk to make room for my scanner.

so i decided that maybe i'd try to scan a new picture every day (or at least every day i'm downstairs) and post it here. most of these are really old so some of them should be interesting! maybe we'll even see dietrich in a dress one day!!

so here is the very first picture that i pulled out of the box. these won't come in any specific order, just the order they happen to be piled inside the box, which i'm sure is going to be a random mess.

tweet and the hooded mystery person

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

one of those days

it is one of those days where nothing will work right for me.  i'll probably get run over by a bus on my way home, i'll miss you.... all of you....

Saturday, March 04, 2006

super mario brothers race

this is impressive, some people racing thru super mario brothers.  how well do you think you'd do against either of them?

mp3 / media players

now i'm pissed off.  if you've been to our house, you've probably seen the computer that sits in our basement to serve one purpose: loud music.  iTunes is just about the only program that runs on that thing.  I adopted iTunes as my preferred music player about the time that i got my free ipod, becuase apple wants you to use their player and their music store.  iTunes is great, and the probably have the best music store online, and the iPod has been great too, but this one little issue pisses me off and has me ready to get rid of the ipod and itunes to buy a creative zen mp3 player (or something else).

that juke box computer had A LOT of music on it.  the hard drive died.  (i haven't tried to get anything off it yet, but still might be able to)  my ipod has a lot of the music from the hard drive on it.  this would not be a terrible situation if i could get music from my ipod onto a different computer.  it sounds like an easy task, but the way they set that shit up is i have one computer that my ipod is associated with (the jukebox that is now dead).  the only action you can take is to sync the ipod with that one computer (or one playlist on it).  SO, if i delete all music from the computer, syncing the ipod will delete everything from the ipod.  bad situation when the computer your ipod is linked to has a dead hard drive in it.

so i'm sure i'll find some software that will allow me to get all the music off my ipod and onto a different computer, but that should be an easy task.  so i've had enough of this crap.  i'm ready to get rid of the ipod and pick up a new mp3 player, and a new media player.

i want an mp3 player that will:
1.) not lock me into using only one media player, not lock me into using specific audio format, and not lock me in to syncing with only one PC
2.) connect USB and transfer files with windows explorer with no additional software. 
3.) have a FM tuner

i want a media player that will:
1.) organize my music library
2.) have some decent syncing options with the mp3 player i find

i'm thinking a creative zen, or one of the iRiver mp3 players, and a return to my old favorite windows media player.  so i'm just looking for some good advice on the subject, anyone??

PS - it would be a special bonus if the mp3 player would also sync with a good media player for linux! (i don't know anything about media players for linux)

the ultimate p experience

the ultimate p experience has opened up his own blogspot blog!  get in on all the action at the link below:

Thursday, March 02, 2006

super ref

Well I don't remember ever having a ref quite like this guy.

added to my wishlist

do you know me, here is an old commercial, I must get one!

thursday mornings

this morning i wrote a little song about how much i hate thursday mornings!  well not so much wrote, casue i didn't write it down, but made up and sang to myself as i was getting out of bed and getting ready for work.

Yesterday my hate for wednesday mornings clouded my mind so much that i forgot to mention anything about it.  but i do also hate wednesday mornings.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

no hairy pig for me

i'm making a sandwich for supper tonite after biking and i just wanted to show you that i don't use any hairy pig on my bread. all my pig if freshly shaved! its kinda small on this image, but its there, SHAVED!
