Thursday, March 16, 2006


Thanks to Jon I am now looking forward to a monday. this coming monday (the 20th) is the day the elder scrolls 4 comes out, Oblivion!

check this out for some vidoes. be sure to download the big one "Extensive Gameplay Footage".

Even just talking about it really makes me want to go get my morrowind disc out and install that sucker.

So on monday I'll buy Oblivion, start playing right away, develop a habit, write here about how much i love oblivion and it is the greatest game ever, piss off all my friends who got guild wars after i did, eventually lose all my friends, but I'll still be able to play oblivion. now don't get me wrong, i love being able to play online with you guys, i do. BUT, morrowind was the eassily best game i have ever played. i can only expect that oblivion will be just as good and many notches better! judging from the videos and screenshots i've seen it looks awesome. i haven't been able to read much about it yet tho.

dammit, i really wanna play, guess i have to wait till monday....... thanks jon, my mind is gonna be on oblivion all weekend.

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