Monday, March 20, 2006


I call up my local gamestop to see if they are selling oblivion today or tomorrow.  there is a big argument about when the game should be available, cause the publishers have said it has a ship date of marth 20th.  So I'm going ot ask if they have it for sale today or tomorrow, and here is the conversation:

dude from gamestop (DFG): "Gamestop how can i help you " blah blah whatever...
me: do you guys have the elder sc
me: okay
DFG: did you pre-order it?
me: no
DFG: if you want to get a copy you should, every call has been for that game and there aren't many left.

so i at least have a copy reserved, but i thought to myself "bummer, i have to wait till tomorrow"

then i thought to myself "its too bad (maybe even a bummer) that you don't really hear people say 'bummer' very often anymore"

so no oblivion for me tonite, dammit.

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