this article about the vote for stem cell research just doesn't fit in my brain quite right. I will highlight some parts that make this just not fit in my brain, and this is exactly copied from the article:
the very first paragraph:
"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Despite a veto threat from
President Bush, the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday easily approved bipartisan legislation that would permit more federal funding of stem cell research on human embryos that would otherwise be discarded."
the second paragraph:
... "would allow federal funding of stem cell research involving excess embryos from in vitro fertilization that would otherwise be discarded. It would not allow cloning a human baby."
the fifth paragraph:
"Opponents of embryonic stem cell research believe it destroys human life and object to using taxpayer dollars to finance it. They also charge that the promise of the research has been hyped."
the promise of research has been hyped???? that deserves to be bolded too, but its not today.....
the very next paragraph:
""The deliberate destruction of unique living self-integrated human persons is not some incidental tangent of embryonic stem cell research. It is the essence of the experiment -- kill some in the hopes of saving others," said House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, a Texas Republican."
did i miss something or did they say this was all about embryos that would otherwise be discarded?
there is much more good stuff in this one, but i'm tired. read the whole thing here to see that i'm not making this shit up! i really like the one about the white house claiming that this legislation: "relies on unsupported scientific assertions to promote morally troubling and socially controversial research."
that is just awesome, sounds a little bit like white house tactics themselves to me, just replace the word research with war! does war destroy human life? isn't the idea behind that kill some to save some others? who knows?
okay, i promise i will be less serious tomorrow! maybe i'll still even write a poem or something stupid like that ;) i'm out.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
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