Wednesday, November 22, 2006

what did canada do to me?

I was recently (got back last nite) was in torornto for work.  i usually like flying, but the last flight i was on (minneapolis --> fargo) fucked with my head, you know the pressure shit you usually deal with.  i didn't think much of it, but after we landed it didn't really seem to go away.  i felt kinda crappy all nite after that but went on with things figuring it will go away soon enough. 

6am this morn i wake up and feel like my head has been filled up with cement.  some benedryl and a hot shower made me a little more comfortable and then i stayed in bed until 11.  its much better now, but there is still a little bit of cement that now feels like it has dried and is full concrete now. 

This may be a little bit too personal for some people, so be warned, only the brave should read on from here:  i also have not eaten yet today, which isn't a big deal, but earlier today i found myself on this website to see if i had anything to worry about:

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