Friday, November 17, 2006

weird dream

I had another weird dream, this one was bizzare.

first a little background:  at work i take care of a couple magazine websites that sell adspace on them.  a whole column of ads on the right side of the website.  so in the dream there was a team of about 5 people that were sent to my company, kinda like the bob's in office space, they were change experts.  they all took turns talking to us about weird stuff, like what we though the definition of change what, or what a detour was.  the head lady always played tool music while she was talking, and kinda talked along with the music, it was all very strange, and i didn't know what the real purpose of this whole thing was.

well it turns out that they were just there to help up go thru the change of removing those ads from the website.  a pretty simple task, but we had 5 specialists there to help us thru it.  well at the end of the day, there is a young girl that was there, she asks me if she could just some rest at my place for a couple hours before they had to leave town.  it seemed pretty innocent so i said sure.  well we got to my house, (which it turns out to be the house that mork built, you know up on estevan) and i found out that her intentions were not so much just to rest, and she was good looking so it wasn't so bad.  suddenly a guy showed up with a gun and he was pissed off about something, i don't know what.  the guy was very familiar, might be someone from a tv show or something, but i just can't place him exactly.  thats how the dream ended, we were going to run down to the basement to get away from him.

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