Monday, October 30, 2006

is rush limbaugh stupid?

i read an article warning people to not beleive rush limbaugh's act to appear stupid.  hmmm, it seemed to be written by someone who was not a fan of rush or his stupidity, but it was kinda weird.  well the whole deal now is that rush claimed the michael j fox was not on his medication for a commercial that he filmed for some democrat senators ad campaigns.  i really have to wonder if anyone cares weather mjf was on or off his medication.  would that really be the worst deception depicted in a political ad campaign?  if it is i'll cut my arms off and you can have them.  i wonder why i have not heard anyone accuse rush of being off his pills.

anyway, enough of that.  i've got more important things to think about, like whats for 2nd meal today.  i'm gonna hit up the food court at the mall, and there is a lot of shit to pick from.

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