Tuesday, June 27, 2006

what day is it?

I was so screwed up this morning I had no idea what day it was.  I was convinced that it was wednesday when i left for work.  i was thinking it was wednesday until a co-worked asked me if i had brought my sombrero today.  then i knew it was not in fact wednesday yet.  i think it should be wednesday and would like to start a petition to make every tuesday actually wednesday, effectively skipping tuesdays in the work week and giving us 4 day work weeks.  sign my petition in the comments section below.


Anonymous said...

I sign this petition under the condition that Taco Thursday's are instated.
-Joe (off to get tacos)

bierwoman said...

I will sign this petition but what the hell does having a sombrero have to do with being tuesday?

Anonymous said...

How about we just combine Tuesdays and Wednesdays into one day, and we can decide which day we want to work and which we want off. Let's call it Tuednesdays.

dj said...

i like the idea about combining tuesdays and wednesdays, then we don't run into the problem that Joe mentions. bierwoman -- read the first comment and you'll have your answer.

UltimateP said...

How about getting rid of Thursdays? It would be kinda nice to go from Wednesday right to Friday wouldn't it?