Tuesday, January 31, 2006

i made it

today was the day i thought i was going to kill a computer and smash a keyboard.  I made it thru!

meanwhile back at paradise island:  saied and some stranger are building a machine shop, so they can start production of "saied knows snow" snowblowers before the gruesome winter kicks in.  sawyer is rehabing a terrible shoulder injury that is threatening he fish throwing job down at the fish market (the one by the beach). Its a good thing katie (the con) is there to help, she taught herself all about physical therapy during her time spent in women's high max security prison.  The same shoulder injury almost spoiled her daring excape.  lock is training to become the worlds toughest street fighter, and luckily enough charlie agreed to be his sparring partner.  wait, charlie, if we're sparring, your supposed to put up some defence.  and quit running off with that baby (baby being said in an aussie accent) charlie (same accent).  And during all of this no one (except the always curious sawyer) is wondering why the dude from party of five and the hot chic from resident evil keep going into the jungle.

i guess next week (actually tomorrow!) i'll just stare at the ceiling for 45 minutes and call it even.


bierwoman said...

Duh Dan everybody knows Charlie is British not an Aussie! Scheech.

dj said...

and where is claire from???

bierwoman said...

ok nevermind.. i misread... i will never question your genius again!