Tribes has been a fun game since the first one. I've had all of them, up to but not including this one. I have played the demo and I will have this one eventually!
Worms is another game that has had many years of fun spanning many different game versions. World Party is the one I frequent today!
Rise of Nations de-throned Age of Empires 2 as the RTS of choice a while ago. Its a combo of aoe and command and conquer, great stuff!
Starcraft was the original RTS (well if you don't count warcraft). I think aoe is probably the only game i spent more time playing. if you computer isn't quite up to date, starcraft should be fine on it!
Guild Wars replaced World of Warcraft for me recently. It maybe isn't quite as good a game as Wow, but there are no monthly fees! That will save you $170/year. I just sith i knew more people that played, come on, join our guild.
Unreal Tournament 2004 used to be the FPS of choice, after replacing quake on the list. Tribes is fighting for that spot right now, but they are both very good games.
Command & Conquer: Generals is a very fun military type RTS. it is a top 5 RTS game, but overall, not as good as RON.
I wish i could put battlefield 2 on the list, but yet i don't have it. these are gonna be only games that i'll have on my laptop and will be ready to play if you get it and get online!
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